Since I think we can all agree it’s important to see my puppies on the home page here at all times, it was clearly time for More Puppies! Have a gander at 2 puppies and a three year old. [Please stand by with the insulin.] Creo que podemos accordar que es importante a tenir los cachorros siempre en el frente de esta sitio web. Claro que estaba tiempo para Mas Perritos! Mira los dos chachorros y un niño. [Por Favor maintenir el insulin]
When Roger came over to “see where his brother was” (whereas I’m pretty sure he came over to see the dogs, but we’ll give him that) I couldn’t resist taking pics. Roger is turning four this week. On April Fools Day. Given the situation with his family (single mom, 4 kids, several dads, none are around) well, I just hope he doesn’t grow up bitter.
Cuando Roger viene para “encuentre su hermano” (creo que in realidad el estaba interes en los perritos, nada mas, pero no importa) necisite tomar fotos. Roger va tenir quatro años este semana. En Abril 1. Cuando piense en el situacion de el (mama es sola, 4 hijos, no papas cerca) espero que el va estar amarga.
I need to point out here that while his name is Roger, it is pronounced “RO-hair” in these parts. And while I really want to look everyone in the eye and say, ” This name is Roger, not ROhair” I imagined what that would look like — explaining the way Roger is supposed to be said — and quickly went to WTF and filed it there.
En este momento necisito explicar que ellos pronunciar su nombre como “RO-jer” aqui. Y si cierto quiero ver todos en el ojo y decir “Este nombre is RO-cher, imagine que parece este conversacion y muy rapido irme a el archivo “WTF” y lo pongo alla.
RO-hair loved the dog toys. He kept asking “Who’s toys are these?” When I replied, “the dogs”, he didn’t quite believe me, and asked again. At first I thought maybe in his world they had to belong to one or another of the dogs. So I explained they shared them.
Los encanta Roger los jugettes. El me pidio “De quien son?” Cuando conteste “los perros” he no me crea. Piense que el quieraba saber de cual perro.
Then he told me (at least I’m pretty sure this is what he said. Remember, my Spanish basically sux) his mom never got him a ball like that.
Despuis el me dije (entonces creo que el dije este, recuerda que mi Español es horrible) su mama nunca comprar uno para el.
So NOW I know what to get him for his birthday.
Bueno, ya yo se como regalar a el en su cumpleaños.
Originally published February 28, 2012
Janet I think you’ve got a little boy for the next while. Dogs, toys, no siblings, attention… what more could a boy called RO hair want? J